I have to pick an existing restaurant and redesign its logo. Also, design their corporate business stationery items to match the new branding. In addition to creating a food truck design to help promote the new branding of the restaurant.
Shelby’s is a Middle East restaurant in London, Ontario. I researched by looking at designs with Middle East style influences and imagery from Syria to ensure I represented the brand. I also tapped into the history of Syria because Shelby likes a mix of traditional and modern. From my research, shawarma is filled with many orange tones and black, so I wanted to include that in my design. I went with rustic typography because I didn’t want it to look perfect; I wanted to give a worn look to make it look mysterious but still appealing. This rebranded logo for Shelby’s is improved from the last logo because its legible, bold, and represents Shelby’s Restaurant brand because it has the traditional and modern Middle East style incorporated into the logo. To promote the new branding of Shelby’s, I also designed a food truck with a matching menu for the car. To catch consumers’ attention on the street, I created the vehicle to be darker with the brand popping off the truck. The logo will be the first thing they see while noticing the shawarma skewer taking over the car. The menu used the same colours and typography to continue with the brand. I also illustrated some imagery to bring interest.